So your saying a FPS on the PS2 that got a 9.0 would get a 9.0 if it was on PC? also if u listen to your MP3 player then u can't hear the sound of the game as SW if the reviewer is clear which version is better then we go by that...
the oblivion thing is b/c of when it came out...u think a game that came out in 2004 will score the same as it would in 2010?
Well, depends on the developers doesn't it. What I'm saying is the review itself is useless, it doesn't matter if in words XBOX GTA was better, PS2 has the points thus PS2 had the better version. Besides the addition of music does not compensate any lack in gameplay etc. if any, for whatever reason it scored lower and that's that...If we went by opinion we'd get nowhere, hence the point system. Though I accept that in your opinion that GTA was better on XBOX, however, Gamespot, the people's decision who we all go by other wise we wouldn't be here, says different through points. Why is that so hard to understand? lol
Well...You can apply that to GTA on the XBOX, came out later so why did it do less on points when it's apparently better? Go take it up with Gamespot if it troubles you so much =)
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